Spin it up for me!
Add this service with the purchase of any of our rovings and Susan or
Kimberly will spin it for you!
Please convo us with your requests! options include the following:
Thick or Thin
1 ply, 2 ply, or 3 ply
Ply it with other yarn from your purchase
Color blending or Barber Pole plying
Smooth or coiled plying
$10 per 4oz of fiber. If you want more than one spun, just add $10 more.
Please note that this will add 2-3 weeks for shipping. 4oz will yeild
approximately 350-400 yards of fingering weight yarn and much less
if a heavier weight is requested. Actual yarn weight and total yardage
can’t be promised. After all, we’re only human. Also note that Top will
spin smoother than Batts. Yarn shown is only an example skein of a spun
Belfry Batt.
Cake it please!!
If you would like the skein you’re about to purchase wound into a cake, choose
this option!
If you would like all your skeins wound into a cake, please increase the
quantity to the appropriate number.
Batter UP!
Have 4oz of roving that you’re about to purchase blended in the
drum carder. Please let us know how blended you would like the
colors to be. Once through the carder will still have striping, 3-4
times will homogenize the colors.
Examples of batts are here at our etsy shop
See additional options for add-ins.
A small amount of the original roving will be lost the gnomes
of the carder.